Submission of manuscripts :
SERKET the Arachnological Bulletin of the Middle East and North Africa is devoted to the study of Arachnids, excluding Acarida. It is usually published 2 times a year and 4 numbers make one Volume. All contributions are in the English language. Papers are accepted on the understanding that they are not being offered in whole or in part to any other journal without permission from the editor. Submission of an article implies that the author is offering SERKET the right of reproduction without payment.
Papers should be concise and illustrations and tables kept to a minimum; each paper should be restricted to 30 pages including illustrations.
Text :
One copy of the typescript should be submitted as an attached file. All material should be typewritten, double spaced, with wide margins on one side only of A4 size paper. Sheets to be numbered serially. Manuscripts should be concise and the title of the paper as short as possible. The author's name will appear at the beginning of the paper, together with his address. The position of tables and illustrations should be indicated in the text. Tables, footnotes and legends for illustrations should be typed separately at the end of the manuscript, and should be kept to a minimum. All living organisms, where exactly identified and relevant to the article, should be given their full scientific name. The name of the author may be abbreviated if well known but single letter abbreviations are not used. Latin names of genera and species should be underlined once to indicate italics. The first mention of a species should include the full scientific name with authority, but thereafter the authority can be omitted. An initial capital letter must be used for proper names, the Latin names of orders, families, etc., but not for anglicized derivatives from Latin names or for English names of plants and animals. If a new taxon is described, the location of the type material should be indicated.
Text-figures should be referred to as "Fig. 1" etc., and half-tone blocks as "Plate 1" etc. Standard abbreviations will be used, as covered by British standard specification 1991: Pt. 1, 1967.
Abstract :
Long papers should be accompanied by an abstract (not more than 200 words) in continuous prose, giving a succinct account of the subject, results obtained and conclusions.
References : should be listed at the end of the paper in the following form : Cambridge, O.P. 1870.
Notes on a collection of Arachnida made by J.K.Lord, Esq., in the
Peninsula of Sinai and on the African borders of the Red Sea.
Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 1870: 818-823, pl.50.
Muma, M.H. 1982.
Solpugida. In: Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms.
pp.102-104, pls.99-100. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York
Savory, T. 1977.
Arachnida (2nd edition). 340 pp. Academic Press.
London. New York. San Francisco
Authors must ensure that the references are accurately cited. Titles of journals may be abbreviated according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals and references to books should include both publisher and place of publication. All authors quoted in the text are to be included in the list of references. References should be arranged first alphabetically, then chronologically. In the text, it is only necessary to quote the surnames of the first two authors, followed by et al. and the date. Indicate first, second, third, etc., works by the same author(s) in the same year by a, b, c, etc., e.g. Cambridge, O.P. 1872a.
Illustrations :
All illustrations must be submitted as attached files. Their resolution must be 300 dpi. They must allow for 30-50% reduction and fit within the type area (17 cm x 25 cm), with suitable allowance for legends. Explanation, should, where possible, be placed in the legend; the drawing itself should contain a minimum of lettering which should be done in bold Letraset or similar, with appropriate allowance made for reduction; good quality bold laser-printed lettering is also acceptable. Graph curves may be distinguished by the use of solid, pecked or dotted lines. Related diagrams should be grouped to form a single figure and should be prepared uniformly to the same scale. A metric scale should be included near each diagram or alternatively the magnification or reduction should be indicated in the legend and adjusted to allow for reduction in the printed size of the illustration.
Photographs must be scanned from best quality prints on glossy paper, of suitable size to allow for reduction during block-making and of suitable proportions to fit the type area. The resolution must be 300 dpi.
Where several photographs are to form one plate, they should be mounted so that on reduction they will fit within the type area. Where a half-tone plate or line drawing is made up of more than one subject, each should be identified as (a), (b), etc. Each drawing, graph or photograph should be numbered on the back by the author's name and the Fig. (or Plate) number. The top should be indicated.
Tables : should be set out in separate files, numbered in arabic numerals and given a concise heading. All captions should be self explanatory and should include a key to any symbols used. Numerical matter :
Metric system to be used throughout.
Proofs :
One set of galley proofs will be sent to the author. It should be returned, duly corrected, with the least possible delay. All technical matter in the article, including references, names, figures (numbers, formulae, etc.), illustrations, etc., are the responsibility of the author. Author receives his paper as pdf file free of charge.
SERKET the Arachnological Bulletin of the Middle East and North Africa is devoted to the study of Arachnids, excluding Acarida. It is usually published 2 times a year and 4 numbers make one Volume. All contributions are in the English language. Papers are accepted on the understanding that they are not being offered in whole or in part to any other journal without permission from the editor. Submission of an article implies that the author is offering SERKET the right of reproduction without payment.
Papers should be concise and illustrations and tables kept to a minimum; each paper should be restricted to 30 pages including illustrations.
Text :
One copy of the typescript should be submitted as an attached file. All material should be typewritten, double spaced, with wide margins on one side only of A4 size paper. Sheets to be numbered serially. Manuscripts should be concise and the title of the paper as short as possible. The author's name will appear at the beginning of the paper, together with his address. The position of tables and illustrations should be indicated in the text. Tables, footnotes and legends for illustrations should be typed separately at the end of the manuscript, and should be kept to a minimum. All living organisms, where exactly identified and relevant to the article, should be given their full scientific name. The name of the author may be abbreviated if well known but single letter abbreviations are not used. Latin names of genera and species should be underlined once to indicate italics. The first mention of a species should include the full scientific name with authority, but thereafter the authority can be omitted. An initial capital letter must be used for proper names, the Latin names of orders, families, etc., but not for anglicized derivatives from Latin names or for English names of plants and animals. If a new taxon is described, the location of the type material should be indicated.
Text-figures should be referred to as "Fig. 1" etc., and half-tone blocks as "Plate 1" etc. Standard abbreviations will be used, as covered by British standard specification 1991: Pt. 1, 1967.
Abstract :
Long papers should be accompanied by an abstract (not more than 200 words) in continuous prose, giving a succinct account of the subject, results obtained and conclusions.
References : should be listed at the end of the paper in the following form : Cambridge, O.P. 1870.
Notes on a collection of Arachnida made by J.K.Lord, Esq., in the
Peninsula of Sinai and on the African borders of the Red Sea.
Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 1870: 818-823, pl.50.
Muma, M.H. 1982.
Solpugida. In: Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms.
pp.102-104, pls.99-100. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York
Savory, T. 1977.
Arachnida (2nd edition). 340 pp. Academic Press.
London. New York. San Francisco
Authors must ensure that the references are accurately cited. Titles of journals may be abbreviated according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals and references to books should include both publisher and place of publication. All authors quoted in the text are to be included in the list of references. References should be arranged first alphabetically, then chronologically. In the text, it is only necessary to quote the surnames of the first two authors, followed by et al. and the date. Indicate first, second, third, etc., works by the same author(s) in the same year by a, b, c, etc., e.g. Cambridge, O.P. 1872a.
Illustrations :
All illustrations must be submitted as attached files. Their resolution must be 300 dpi. They must allow for 30-50% reduction and fit within the type area (17 cm x 25 cm), with suitable allowance for legends. Explanation, should, where possible, be placed in the legend; the drawing itself should contain a minimum of lettering which should be done in bold Letraset or similar, with appropriate allowance made for reduction; good quality bold laser-printed lettering is also acceptable. Graph curves may be distinguished by the use of solid, pecked or dotted lines. Related diagrams should be grouped to form a single figure and should be prepared uniformly to the same scale. A metric scale should be included near each diagram or alternatively the magnification or reduction should be indicated in the legend and adjusted to allow for reduction in the printed size of the illustration.
Photographs must be scanned from best quality prints on glossy paper, of suitable size to allow for reduction during block-making and of suitable proportions to fit the type area. The resolution must be 300 dpi.
Where several photographs are to form one plate, they should be mounted so that on reduction they will fit within the type area. Where a half-tone plate or line drawing is made up of more than one subject, each should be identified as (a), (b), etc. Each drawing, graph or photograph should be numbered on the back by the author's name and the Fig. (or Plate) number. The top should be indicated.
Tables : should be set out in separate files, numbered in arabic numerals and given a concise heading. All captions should be self explanatory and should include a key to any symbols used. Numerical matter :
Metric system to be used throughout.
Proofs :
One set of galley proofs will be sent to the author. It should be returned, duly corrected, with the least possible delay. All technical matter in the article, including references, names, figures (numbers, formulae, etc.), illustrations, etc., are the responsibility of the author. Author receives his paper as pdf file free of charge.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Editor:Hisham K. El-Hennawy (SERKET)
41, El-Manteqa El-Rabia St.,
Heliopolis, Cairo 11341, Egypt.
- Email:,
Sir, when will be the next volume published? Which is the time for sending scientific papers?